MscmpSystPerms.Types (mscmp_syst_perms v0.1.0)

Types used by the Perms component.



The data type of the Permission Functional Type record.

The data type of the Permission Functional Type Internal Name value.

A map of user updatable Permission Functional Type attributes.

Defines the return value type for certain functions returning existing Permission Grants.

The type of the Permission record ID value.

The Internal Name type for Permission records.

A map defining the data used in creating or updating Permission records.

Establishes the type of the Permission Role Grant record.

A map of attributes used in creating or updating Permission Role Grant records.

The data type of the record ID for the Permission Role record.

The data type of the Permission Role record Internal Name value.

A map of attributes describing Permission Role record values for use in record creation and update.

Defines the system recognized Scopes which can be assigned to Permission Rights options.


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@type perm_functional_type_id() :: Ecto.UUID.t()

The data type of the Permission Functional Type record.

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@type perm_functional_type_name() :: String.t()

The data type of the Permission Functional Type Internal Name value.

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@type perm_functional_type_params() :: %{
  optional(:display_name) => String.t(),
  optional(:user_description) => String.t()

A map of user updatable Permission Functional Type attributes.

While all Permission Functional Type records are considered system defined which prevents most data changes, those that effect the display of the record to system users are still permitted.


  • display_name - a record candidate key displayed in user interfaces as the name of the record. This value is required, may not be set nil, and must be unique in the system.

  • user_description - a custom, user defined description which overrides the system description, if any exists. This attribute is optional and may be set nil in which case the system description will be used.

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@type perm_grants() :: %{
  required(perm_name()) => MscmpSystPerms.Types.PermGrantValue.t()

Defines the return value type for certain functions returning existing Permission Grants.

Functions which retrieve Permission Grant Role records for specific selection criteria will often return a simplified value indicating the Permissions granted including the Scope granted for each of the Permission's Rights.

In some cases a specific requested Permission may not be granted at all. In this scenario, an Msdata.SystPermRoleGrants role record won't exist, but the function should still return a perm_grants/0 value with the default Scopes for the requested Permission's Rights (usually :deny).

The keys for this map should be perm_name/0 value of the Permission record in question.

@type perm_id() :: Ecto.UUID.t()

The type of the Permission record ID value.

@type perm_name() :: atom()

The Internal Name type for Permission records.

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@type perm_params() :: %{
  optional(:internal_name) => perm_name(),
  optional(:display_name) => String.t(),
  optional(:user_description) => String.t(),
  optional(:perm_functional_type_id) => perm_functional_type_id(),
  optional(:view_scope_options) => [rights_scope()],
  optional(:maint_scope_options) => [rights_scope()],
  optional(:admin_scope_options) => [rights_scope()],
  optional(:ops_scope_options) => [rights_scope()]

A map defining the data used in creating or updating Permission records.

For additional context and documentation of concepts discussed here and below see the top level MscmpSystPerms documentation.


  • internal_name - a candidate key useful for programmatic references to individual records. This is required data and the value must be unique in the system. Update operations may only change this attribute when the record is not system defined.

  • display_name - a candidate key used in user interface representations of the record. This is required data and the value must be unique in the system. This value may be updated for both system and user defined records so long as the new value remains unique in the system.

  • user_description - a custom, user defined description which overrides the system description, if it exists. This attribute is optional and may be set nil in which case the system description will be used. This value may be changed for system defined Permission records.

  • perm_functional_type_id - identifies the Permission Functional Type of which this Permission record is part. This value is required data and may only be set during the creation of user defined permissions. This attribute may not be changed for system defined Permission records or after record creation.

  • view_scope_options - a list of MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope/0 values defining the Permission record's recognized Scopes for its View Right. A value for this attribute must be set to a list containing at least one Scope; if the View Right is not used by the Permission then the value of this attribute should be set to ["unused"]. This attribute may only be updated for user defined Permission records.

  • maint_scope_options - a list of MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope/0 values defining the Permission record's recognized Scopes for its Maintenance Right. A value for this attribute must be set to a list containing at least one Scope; if the Maintenance Right is not used by the Permission then the value of this attribute should be set to ["unused"]. This attribute may only be updated for user defined Permission records.

  • admin_scope_options - a list of MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope/0 values defining the Permission record's recognized Scopes for its Administration Right. A value for this attribute must be set to a list containing at least one Scope; if the Administration Right is not used by the Permission then the value of this attribute should be set to ["unused"]. This attribute may only be updated for user defined Permission records.

  • ops_scope_options - a list of MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope/0 values defining the Permission record's recognized Scopes for its Operations Right. A value for this attribute must be set to a list containing at least one Scope; if the Operations Right is not used by the Permission then the value of this attribute should be set to ["unused"]. This attribute may only be updated for user defined Permission records.

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@type perm_role_grant_id() :: Ecto.UUID.t()

Establishes the type of the Permission Role Grant record.

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@type perm_role_grant_params() :: %{
  optional(:perm_role_id) => perm_role_id(),
  optional(:perm_id) => perm_id(),
  optional(:view_scope) => rights_scope(),
  optional(:maint_scope) => rights_scope(),
  optional(:admin_scope) => rights_scope(),
  optional(:ops_scope) => rights_scope()

A map of attributes used in creating or updating Permission Role Grant records.

Permission Role Grant records are considered either "System Defined" or "User Defined" based on their parent Msdata.SystPermRoles record's syst_defined value. The usage of some attributes described below will depend on that parent record definition.


  • perm_role_id - a MscmpSystPerms.Types.perm_role_id/0 reference to this record's parent Permission Role. On user defined Permission Role Grant creation this is is a required value. This value may not be changed after record creation.

  • perm_id - a MscmpSystPerms.Types.perm_id/0 reference to the Permission record for the Permission being granted by the Permission Role. On user defined Permission Role Grant creation this is is a required value. This value may not be changed after record creation time. Note that all Permissions being granted by the Permission Role Grant record must share the same Permission Functional Type as the Permission Role Grant's parent Permission Role record.

  • view_scope - the t:MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope value of the View Right being granted by the Permission Role Grant record. This value is required and must be one of the available Scopes defined by the Permission being granted. This value may not be changed if the Permission Role Grant record is considered system defined.

  • maint_scope - the t:MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope value of the Maintenance Right being granted by the Permission Role Grant record. This value is required and must be one of the available Scopes defined by the Permission being granted. This value may not be changed if the Permission Role Grant record is considered system defined.

  • admin_scope - the t:MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope value of the Administration Right being granted by the Permission Role Grant record. This value is required and must be one of the available Scopes defined by the Permission being granted. This value may not be changed if the Permission Role Grant record is considered system defined.

  • ops_scope - the t:MscmpSystPerms.Types.rights_scope value of the Operations Right being granted by the Permission Role Grant record. This value is required and must be one of the available Scopes defined by the Permission being granted. This value may not be changed if the Permission Role Grant record is considered system defined.

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@type perm_role_id() :: Ecto.UUID.t()

The data type of the record ID for the Permission Role record.

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@type perm_role_name() :: String.t()

The data type of the Permission Role record Internal Name value.

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@type perm_role_params() :: %{
  optional(:internal_name) => perm_functional_type_name(),
  optional(:display_name) => String.t(),
  optional(:perm_functional_type_id) => perm_functional_type_id(),
  optional(:user_description) => String.t()

A map of attributes describing Permission Role record values for use in record creation and update.


  • internal_name - a record candidate key used to identify the record in programmatic contexts. The Internal Name value is a required data value and it must be unique in the system. User defined Permission Role records may change this value so long as the uniqueness requirement is met. System defined Permission Role records may not change this value.

  • display_name - a record candidate key used to identify the record in user interface contexts. A non-nil, system unique value is required for the attribute. This value may be changed for both user defined and system defined Permission Role records so long as the uniqueness requirement is observed.

  • perm_functional_type_id - a required value which establishes for which Permission Functional Type the Permission Role is being defined. Permission Roles will only be able to grant the Rights of Permissions of the same Permission Functional Type. This value may only be set at user defined Permission Role record creation time and may not be updated later.

  • user_description - a custom, user defined description which overrides the system description, if any exists. This attribute is optional and may be set nil in which case the system description will be used. This value may updated for system defined Permission Role records.

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@type rights_scope() :: :deny | :same_user | :same_group | :all | :unused

Defines the system recognized Scopes which can be assigned to Permission Rights options.

Note that any given Permission may support all or only some of these Scopes. See the description of any specific Permission to understand which specific Scopes it supports.


  • :deny - in some cases it is desirable to grant some Rights of a Permission, but not others. The :deny Scope supports not granting all rights of a Permission when other Rights are granted.

  • :same_user - the Right of the Permission is granted to the user, but is limited to records for which they are designated as owner is some way. Precisely how this designation is determined will be specified by each function recognizing this Scope of Rights.

  • :same_group - the Right of the Permission is granted to the user, but is limited to records for which they are designated belonging to a group or groups to which the user also has rights. Precisely how this determination made will depend on the implementation details of the functionality in question.

  • :all - the Right of the Permission is granted to the user without any Scope dependent limitations.

  • :unused - when a permission does not support one of the standard Rights, this value is assigned to the Right's options and any Permission Role Grant for that Right.