
SchemaSpy Analysis of mscmp_syst_instance.ms_syst_data

Generated on Fri Jan 19 05:38 PST 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 16
Anomalies 0
Routines 8

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 16.1 (Ubuntu 16.1-1.pgdg22.04+1)

Catalog mscmp_syst_instance

Copyright © Lima Buttgereit Holdings LLC d/b/a Muse Systems

This database software and documentation is licensed to you under the terms of the Muse Systems Business Management System License Agreement v1.1 or other written, superseding license that you have obtained from Muse Systems.

Only Muse Systems may license this software to you. Your continued use of this software indicates your agreement to abide by the applicable license terms.

This database may include content copyrighted by and licensed from third parties.

Please see the license or contact us for more information. ::

Schema ms_syst_data

Internal system management data for use by Muse Systems developers.

All member objects of this schema are considered “private”.

Direct usage of this schema or its member objects is not supported. Please consider using features from ms_syst Public API schema or other Public APIs as appropriate.


Table / View Children Parents Columns Type Comments
syst_applications 3 0 11 Table

Describes the known applications which is managed by the global database and authentication infrastructure.

syst_owners 1 1 11 Table

Identifies instance owners. Instance owners are typically the clients which have commissioned the use of an application instance.

syst_instance_type_contexts 0 2 11 Table

Establishes Instance Type defaults for each of an Application’s defined datastore contexts.

General Usage

In practice, these records are used in the creation of Instance Context records, but do not establish a direct relationship; records in this table simply inform us what Instance Contexts should exist and give us default values to use in their creation.

syst_enum_items 4 2 22 Table

The list of values provided by an Enumeration as well as related behavioral and informational metadata.

syst_enum_functional_types 1 1 14 Table

For those Enumerations requiring Functional Type designation, this table defines the available types and persists related metadata. Note that not all Enumerations require Functional Types.

syst_application_contexts 2 1 15 Table

Applications are written with certain security and connection characteristics in mind which correlate to database roles used by the application for establishing connections. This table defines the datastore contexts the application is expecting so that Instance records can be validated against the expectations.

syst_instances 2 5 18 Table

Defines known application instances and provides their configuration settings.

syst_instance_contexts 0 2 14 Table

Instance specific settings which determine how each Instance connects to the defined Application Contexts.

syst_instance_type_applications 1 2 10 Table

A many-to-many relation indicating which Instance Types are usable for each Application.

General Usage

Note that creating ms_syst_data.syst_application_contexts records prior to inserting an Instance Type/Application association into this table is recommended as default Instance Type Context records can be created automatically on INSERT into this table so long as the supporting data is available. After insert here, manipulations of what Contexts Applications require must be handled manually.

syst_enums 2 0 16 Table

Enumerates the enumerations known to the system along with additional metadata useful in applying them appropriately.