generate_comments_apiview_column(p_view_config ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview, p_column_config ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview_column)


Generates API View Column comments based on the passed comment configurations.


  • p_view_config :: Required? True; Default: ( No Default )

    A value of type ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview which contains view level configuration information such as identification of the view, associated Data Table identification, available record modes (system defined & user defined), and similar concerns which can influence column comment generation. This value is required, though only the following fields are used:

    • view_schema - (required)
    • view_name - (required)
    • table_schema - (optional)
    • table_name - (optional)
    • user_records - (optional)
    • user_insert - (optional)
    • user_select - (optional)
    • user_update - (optional)
    • syst_records - (optional)
    • syst_select - (optional)
    • syst_update - (optional)

    Any fields passed as NULL will assume their default values. See the database type documentation for more information, including to find any defined field level default values.

  • p_column_config :: Required? True; Default: ( No Default )

    A value of type ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview_column which configures the comments to generate for the identified API View Column. See the database type documenation for more information.

General Usage

While optional, if the targeted API View Column is identified as being closely related to an underlying Data Table Column, this function will attempt to extract descriptive texts from the Data Table Column comments so that these descriptions don’t need to be duplicated manually for the API View; this behavior may be overridden in the passed comment configuration.


Name Type Mode
p_view_config ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview IN
p_column_config ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview_column IN
