generate_comments_apiview_common_columns(p_view_config ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview)


Provides boilerplate API View Column comment configurations and generates the comments for columns which appear in many places across the applications and where standardized descriptions are likely to apply.


  • p_view_config :: Required? True; Default: ( No Default )

    A required value of type ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview. This value provides the basic comments configuration data used to determine to which API View to apply common column comments, find which columns may be present, etc. Only the fields of the value below are used by this function:

    • view_schema - (required)
    • view_name - (required)
    • table_schema - (required)
    • table_name - (required)
    • user_records - (optional)
    • user_insert - (optional)
    • user_select - (optional)
    • user_update - (optional)
    • syst_records - (optional)
    • syst_select - (optional)
    • syst_update - (optional)

    Any fields passed as NULL will assume their default values. See the database type documentation for more information, including to find any defined field level default values. Failing to provide a table_schema and table_name will not raise an exception, but may produce unsatisfactory results. In cases where the API View is not strongly associated with a Data Table, common columns should be documentend manually.

General Usage

This function expects that a there is a closely associated Data Table defined. The Data Table columns provide the descriptive texts for the related API View columns. If the API View is not closely associated with an underlying Data Table, common columns should be configured manually as regular API View Columns and passed directly to either ms_syst_priv.generate_comments_apiview or ms_syst_priv.generate_comments_apiview_column as appropriate.


Name Type Mode
p_view_config ms_syst_priv.comments_config_apiview IN
