SchemaSpy Analysis of mscmp_syst_session

Generated on Fri Jan 19 05:40 PST 2024

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 16.1 (Ubuntu 16.1-1.pgdg22.04+1)

Catalog mscmp_syst_session

Copyright © Lima Buttgereit Holdings LLC d/b/a Muse Systems

This database software and documentation is licensed to you under the terms of the Muse Systems Business Management System License Agreement v1.1 or other written, superseding license that you have obtained from Muse Systems.

Only Muse Systems may license this software to you. Your continued use of this software indicates your agreement to abide by the applicable license terms.

This database may include content copyrighted by and licensed from third parties.

Please see the license or contact us for more information. ::

4 Schemas

Schema Comments

Public API for system management oriented data access and operations.

This schema contains procedures, functions, and views suitable for access by applications and integration tools.


Internal system management data for use by Muse Systems developers.

All member objects of this schema are considered “private”.

Direct usage of this schema or its member objects is not supported. Please consider using features from ms_syst Public API schema or other Public APIs as appropriate.


Datastore migrations management schema.

All member objects of this schema are considered “private”.

Direct usage of this schema or its member objects is not supported.


Internal system management logic for use by Muse Systems developers.

All member objects of this schema are considered “private”.

Direct usage of this schema or its member objects is not supported. Please consider using features from ms_syst Public API schema or other Public APIs as appropriate.