
SchemaSpy Analysis of mssub_bms.ms_appl_data

Generated on Fri Jan 19 05:41 PST 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 37
Anomalies 1
Routines 0

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 16.1 (Ubuntu 16.1-1.pgdg22.04+1)

Catalog mssub_bms

Copyright © Lima Buttgereit Holdings LLC d/b/a Muse Systems

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Schema ms_appl_data

Internal application business data for use by Muse Systems developers.

All member objects of this schema are considered “private”.

Direct usage of this schema or its member objects is not supported. Please consider using features from ms_appl Public API schema or other Public APIs as appropriate.


Table / View Children Parents Columns Type Comments
mstr_contacts 1 3 16 Table

Represents a single method of contact for a person, entity, place, or other contextually relevant association.

General Usage

Note that there is a weakness in this part of the schema design in that contact information doesn’t make sense outside of assignment to a person, facility, or entity, but such assignment is indirect through role assignments. This means it is conceivable that records in this table could become orphaned. At this stage, however, it doesn’t seem worth it to denormalize the data to record the direct association.

mstr_entity_bank_entities 0 2 10 Table

Establishes an financial service provider relationship between an Owning entity and an Entity which provides financial and banking services.

General Usage

Banks can process certain financial related transactions and be associated with specific asset and liability accounts is relation to the owning Entity.

mstr_persons 2 3 16 Table

A Person is someone who acts as an agent on behalf of an Entity. This may be a real individual person in the world or indicate a function, such as “Customer Support”, where the actual person contacted may vary and identifying a specific individual is unimportant.

mstr_places 3 3 14 Table

Places are the retail stores, warehouses, factories, and offices in which businesses conduct their operations. This is not synonymous with “address” as a place may have multiple, different addresses for different purposes.

mstr_country_phone_format_assocs 0 2 11 Table

Establishes relationships between phone format records and country records and allows recognizing an phone format as the default format for the country.

mstr_entity_purchasing_entities 0 2 10 Table

Establishes a vendor relationship between an Owning Entity and its vendor Entity.

General Usage

This record, or its children, will define purchasing behavior when the transaction entity is the owning entity.

mstr_person_contact_roles 0 4 12 Table

Establishes the Roles that Contact records serve in relation to the given Person.

mstr_countries 3 0 49 Table

A listing of countries including currency symbology, official names, and other information concerning the country from standards bodies and international organizations.

General Usage

The table structure as it now stands is based on the data available at:

mstr_entities 15 3 14 Table

Master list of legal entities with whom the business interacts.

All legal entities are represented by this table, including the business using this application itself.

General Usage

The information stored in this record represents general information about the entity that is broadly applicable in all contexts which might use the entity.

mstr_entity_selling_entities 0 2 10 Table

Establishes a customer relationship between an Owning Entity and a customer Entity.

General Usage

This record, or its children, will define sales behavior when the transaction Entity is the Owning Entity.

mstr_country_address_format_assocs 0 2 11 Table

Establishes relationships between address format records and country records and allows recognizing an address format as the default format for the country.

mstr_entity_facility_places 0 2 10 Table

Identifies a Place as being both a place of work for staff and a place where non-inventory, physical assets belonging to the associated Entity may be held.

mstr_entity_staff_entities 0 2 10 Table

Establishes an employee or contractor relationship between an Owning Entity and its employee Entity.

mstr_country_name_format_assocs 0 2 11 Table

Establishes relationships between name format records and country records and allows recognizing a name format as the default format for the country.

mstr_entity_person_roles 0 3 11 Table

Establishes the relationship between individual persons and and entity.

General Usage

Note that for now a simple table with the Entity, Person, and the Role assigned is sufficient for expressing the relationship, though in future it may be appropriate to have specific relationship tables like Entity/Entity relationships should the relationships not be containable in a single attribute describing the Role.

mstr_entity_inventory_places 0 2 14 Table

Establishes one or more Inventory Relationships between an Owning Entity and a Place.