

Establishes definitions for complex data types and their user interface related formatting.

Complex data types may include concepts such as street addresses, personal names, and phone numbers; in each of these cases there are typically multiple fields, but internationally there is no consistent definition of what fields are available and how they should be ordered or arranged.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id uuid 2147483647 uuid_generate_v7()
syst_complex_format_values.complex_format_id syst_complex_format_values_complex_format_fk C

The record’s primary key. The definitive identifier of the record in the system.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

internal_name text 2147483647 null

A candidate key useful for programmatic references to individual records.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

display_name text 2147483647 null

A friendly name and candidate key for the record, suitable for use in user interactions

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

syst_description text 2147483647 null

A system defined description indicating the purpose and use cases of a given record. Text defined in this column is system maintained and should not be changed under normal circumstances.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

user_description text 2147483647 null

An optional user defined description of the record and its use cases. If this value is not NULL, the value will override any syst_description defined text in application user interfaces and other presentations.

syst_defined bool 1 false

Values of TRUE in this column indicate that the record is considered a “System Defined” record, a record which is created and primarily maintained by the system using automated processes. A value of FALSE indicates that the record is considered a “User Defined” record which is maintained by user actions in the application.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

user_maintainable bool 1 true

If a record is system defined (see the syst_defined column), there may be some user data maintenance operations permitted in some cases. If the value of this column for a record is TRUE and the record is also “System Defined”, then permitted user maintenance operations are available for the record. If the record is system defined and the value of this column is FALSE, no user maintenance is allowed. If the record is not system defined, the value in this column will have no meaning or effect; user defined records may set this value TRUE as a simple information point indicating that the record is user maintainable.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

diag_timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()

The database server date/time when the transaction which created the record started.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

diag_role_created text 2147483647 null

The database role which created the record.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

diag_timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()

The database server date/time when the transaction which modified the record started. This field will be the same as diag_timestamp_created for inserted records.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

diag_wallclock_modified timestamptz 35,6 clock_timestamp()

The database server date/time at the moment the record was actually modified. For long running transactions this time may be significantly later than the value of diag_timestamp_modified.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

diag_role_modified text 2147483647 null

The database role which modified the record.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

diag_row_version int8 19 1

The current version of the row. The value here indicates how many actual data changes have been made to the row. If an update of the row leaves all data fields the same, disregarding the updates to the diag_* columns, the row version is not updated, nor are any updates made to the other diag_* columns other than diag_update_count.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.

Direct Usage

This column is frequently used by by application logic to resolve the “dirty write” issues which can arise from concurrent data changes. As such any administrative override of automatic system maintenance of this value should consider the ramifications on application function.

diag_update_count int8 19 0

Records the number of times the record has been updated regardless as to if the update actually changed any data. In this way needless or redundant record updates can be found. This row starts at 0 and therefore may be the same as the diag_row_version - 1.

General Usage

This column is system maintained and should be considered read only in normal operations.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
syst_complex_formats_pk Primary key Asc id
syst_complex_formats_display_name_udx Must be unique Asc display_name
syst_complex_formats_internal_name_udx Must be unique Asc internal_name
