
SchemaSpy Analysis of mssub_bms.ms_syst_db

Generated on Fri Jan 19 05:41 PST 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 0
Anomalies 0
Routines 2

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 16.1 (Ubuntu 16.1-1.pgdg22.04+1)

Catalog mssub_bms

Copyright © Lima Buttgereit Holdings LLC d/b/a Muse Systems

This database software and documentation is licensed to you under the terms of the Muse Systems Business Management System License Agreement v1.1 or other written, superseding license that you have obtained from Muse Systems.

Only Muse Systems may license this software to you. Your continued use of this software indicates your agreement to abide by the applicable license terms.

This database may include content copyrighted by and licensed from third parties.

Please see the license or contact us for more information. ::

Schema ms_syst_db

Datastore migrations management schema.

All member objects of this schema are considered “private”.

Direct usage of this schema or its member objects is not supported.


Table / View Children Parents Columns Type Comments
migrations 0 0 14 Table

Records which database updates have been applied to the system.

General Usage

Available database migrations are stored in a file system directory where individual files are named starting with the version number taking a fixed number of numeric digits. In the simple case, the migration process will get a sorted listing of available migrations from the migrations file system directory and compare the version of the file with the minimum version number not already checked against the maximum version applied to the database according to this table. If the file version is greater, the migration is applied to the database, otherwise the file is skipped and the version checking process repeats until there are no more migration files to evaluate.

Finally, during the migration process, the ms_syst_db.migrations record is created once the corresponding migration file has been successfully applied to the database. Both the migration file and the ms_syst_db.migrations record should be processed in the same database transaction.