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Build Processes

Overview of building various pieces of our application including application releases and documentation.

There are several project artifacts which are subject to a build process prior to their being useful in the project. Chiefly these are the Msplatform application and various documentation pieces.

1 - Msplatform Build Process / Linux

Instructions for building the Msplatform Elixir application as a release. This process targets Linux x86_64 systems.

When building Msplatform we assume that we are including ERTS as part of the release.

We largely follow the standard Phoenix “Deploying with Releases” documentation to build a release, modified somewhat to support both the umbrella project structure and our own needs. this process looks like:

mkdir msplatform_linux_release
cd msplatform_linux_release
git clone --branch versions
cd musebms/app_server/platform/msplatform
mix deps.get --only prod
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
cd apps/msapp_mcp_web
MIX_ENV=prod mix assets.deploy
MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.gen.release
cd ../../
MIX_ENV=prod mix release
cd _build/prod/rel
tar -cvjSf ../../../../../../../msplatform_release.tar.bz2 msplatform
cd ../../../../../../../