MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentDisplayModes (mscmp_syst_forms v0.1.0)

A struct defining the different kinds of display mode data which can be communicated to a user interface component.

User interface components can be configured with a variety of display options, called "modes". Between the functions which generate the effective modes for the user interface and the user interface components themselves there must be a standard way to communicate and this type defines the structure of that communication.

It is worth noting that the Component will receive its display modes in data with this structure.




A struct defining the different kinds of display mode data which can be communicated to a user interface component.


@type t() :: %MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentDisplayModes{
  border_mode: MscmpSystForms.Types.display_modes() | nil,
  component_mode: MscmpSystForms.Types.component_modes() | nil,
  label_mode: MscmpSystForms.Types.display_modes() | [String.t()] | nil,
  text_mode: MscmpSystForms.Types.display_modes() | [String.t()] | nil

A struct defining the different kinds of display mode data which can be communicated to a user interface component.

See MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentDisplayModes for more.