MscmpSystForms.Types (mscmp_syst_forms v0.1.0)

Defines the data types, formats, and structures used by MscmpSysForms module.



The identifier type for data binding identifiers.

Component level modes which govern the behavior of components in terms of interactivity, whether or not they may display data, and even if the component is visible to users or present in the layout.

Defines the acceptable validation type values that can be passed in the display_data parameter of MscmpSystForms.init_assigns/8 and MscmpSystForms.update_display_data/3.

A standardized set of modes which govern the styling of MscmpSystForms defined web components.

Defines a type for identifying specific elements in user interface forms.

The structure of data representing Components and their display modes within form_state_states/0 structured data.

Defines the type used to express Form State Feature names.

The expressed data structure of Form State Feature configurations.

Defines the type used to express Form State Mode names.

The structure defining how Form State Modes are expressed within the Form State defined by form_states/0.

Defines how Components are linked to the Processing Overrides to which they are interested in responding.

The type which is used to represent the name of Form State states.

The structure of each individual Form State as defined within the form_states/0.

The data structure describing the configuration of Form States as returned by MscmpSystForms.get_form_modes/0.

Identifies the available states that an MscmpSystForms.WebComponents.msvalidated_button/1 might take.

A type for naming permissions.

Defines the type of Processing Override Names.

Establishes the expected data structure of the MscmpSystForms.get_render_configs/5 function return value.

Defines the type of the Session Name.

A definition of the expected Socket or Assigns parameter used in Phoenix.


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@type binding_id() :: atom()

The identifier type for data binding identifiers.

Data binding identifiers are used to identify data fields in Ecto Changesets, t:Phoenix.HTML.form.t/0 representations of data, form parameters as returned on submission, and in MscmpSystForms.Types.FormConfig.t/0 form configurations. All of these representations which are used in different contexts will represent the same data and this binding_id is the name which identifies the data across these logical contexts.

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@type component_modes() ::
  :removed | :hidden | :cleared | :processing | :visible | :entry

Component level modes which govern the behavior of components in terms of interactivity, whether or not they may display data, and even if the component is visible to users or present in the layout.

Each component is designed to respond appropriately when one of the following component modes are specified.

  • :removed - A component in this mode will not be visible and will not take space in the layout of a view.

  • :hidden - When a component is in this mode, the component is hidden fro the user, but will take space in the layout of the view as though it were present.

  • :cleared - The cleared component mode allows components to be rendered into the layout, but input related components will not display any of their associated data and will be disabled for any user interactivity. This is used primarily when the user may know that a given field exists, but does not have permission to view the data associated with the field.

  • :processing - Used when some long running application process involving the data of the form or component has started, but not yet finished. A component in processing mode will be disabled from user interaction and will likely change its display characteristics as appropriate for the processing state.

  • :visible - For use when a component should be present and visible on the screen and any associated data should be visible to the user, but the component should not accept user interactions. Informally speaking this is the mode which enables a "view only" presentation of a component.

  • :entry - This component mode allows the component and its associated data to be visible to the user as well as allows the user to interact with any functionality, such as changing the data value or clicking a button, etc. Informally speaking this is the "edit mode" component mode.

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@type data_validation_types() :: :save | :post

Defines the acceptable validation type values that can be passed in the display_data parameter of MscmpSystForms.init_assigns/8 and MscmpSystForms.update_display_data/3.

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@type display_modes() ::
  | :reference
  | :normal
  | :emphasis
  | :warning
  | :alert
  | :approve
  | :deny
  | :info

A standardized set of modes which govern the styling of MscmpSystForms defined web components.

  • :deemphasis - Used in cases where we want to specific reduce attention to a give element. For example :deemphasis might be used in cases where a web component is disabled for entry. The reduction in "presence" is the greatest compared amongst all display modes which reduce visual presence.

  • :reference - For reducing attention to informational content as compared to actionable elements such as input fields and their labels. In this case we want a visually "present" element, but not one so visually pronounced that is distracts from more important elements.

  • :normal - This display mode is the primary choice of normal input components as well as their labels. This is true when the elements are active and actionable, but require no greater attention that most other elements with with they are displayed.

  • :emphasis - Used for elements which are active and are of greater importance or require more pronounced attention than other elements of the same class. For example, a required input field and its label may be given this display mode so they stand out from all other entry fields. Use of this display mode should be carefully considered as if everything is emphasized then nothing is.

  • :warning - Elements which are in a warning state and where the warning state requires greater attention than normal screen elements. This display mode will typically change various colored elements to the established warning color.

  • :alert - When elements in the interface require heightened attention and are either in an error state or in conditions where greater attention than a warning is required. Colored elements will typically assume the established alert color when this display mode is set.

  • :approve - A normal attention display mode where colored elements will assume the established approval colors.

  • :deny - A normal attention display mode where colored elements will assume the established denial colors.

  • :info - A normal attention display mode where colored elements will assume the established "information" color scheme.

@type form_id() :: atom()

Defines a type for identifying specific elements in user interface forms.

Under some form processing functions, particularly those dealing with creating web user interfaces, form_id values may be converted to binary/0 representations as they are also used for HTML element id attributes (either directly or as modified to identify sub-elements of user interface components.)

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@type form_state_components() :: %{
  required(form_id()) => MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentDisplayModes.t()

The structure of data representing Components and their display modes within form_state_states/0 structured data.

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@type form_state_feature_name() :: atom()

Defines the type used to express Form State Feature names.

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@type form_state_features() :: %{
  :default => form_state_components(),
  required(form_state_feature_name()) => form_state_modes(),
  processing_overrides: form_state_overrides()

The expressed data structure of Form State Feature configurations.

Each Form State Feature defines several different points of configuration.

First a :default set of component configurations which act as a fallback when a specific Mode/State combination do not fully address a component's configuration themselves. When the :default component configuration also doesn't address a component, the MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentDisplayModes.t/0 of last resort is used (currently: %MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentDisplayModes{component_mode: :cleared}).

Next we define the :processing_overrides that each component should respond to when active.

Finally we define the Modes and States for each named Feature. We expect that each Mode will be represented with a key in this map using the Mode's name; the value will be a map in the form dictated by form_state_modes/0.

See MscmpSystForms.get_form_modes/0 for more.

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@type form_state_mode_name() :: atom()

Defines the type used to express Form State Mode names.

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@type form_state_modes() :: %{required(form_state_mode_name()) => form_state_states()}

The structure defining how Form State Modes are expressed within the Form State defined by form_states/0.

Each Form State Mode definition returned by MscmpSystForms.get_form_modes/0 should be a map of key/value pairs where the key is the Form State Mode Name and the values are each a map of the defined Form State States for that Mode.

See MscmpSystForms.get_form_modes/0 for more.

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@type form_state_overrides() :: %{required(form_id()) => [processing_override_name()]}

Defines how Components are linked to the Processing Overrides to which they are interested in responding.

Processing overrides are a mechanism to identify that certain processes that are expected to be long running are active. Components in turn can respond to the processes they are watching becoming active as they require (usually the component becomes inactive while the process is active).

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@type form_state_state_name() :: atom()

The type which is used to represent the name of Form State states.

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@type form_state_states() :: %{
  required(form_state_state_name()) => form_state_components()

The structure of each individual Form State as defined within the form_states/0.

Form State State definitions returned by MscmpSystForms.get_form_modes/0 are expected to come as a map of key/value pairs where the key is the name of the Form State State being defined (form_state_state_name/0) and the value is a map of components which define their display modes for the State.

See MscmpSystForms.get_form_modes/0 for more.

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@type form_states() :: %{required(form_state_feature_name()) => form_state_features()}

The data structure describing the configuration of Form States as returned by MscmpSystForms.get_form_modes/0.

Form State configurations are returned as a map of "Features" where each Feature defines its Modes, States, Defaults, and Processing Overrides.

Each Feature in the Form State is represented in the map using its own name as the key. The common practice is that if a form only supports a single Feature, the Feature should be named :default; otherwise the Feature Name is arbitrary, but should be descriptive.

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@type msvalidated_button_states() :: :action | :processing | :message

Identifies the available states that an MscmpSystForms.WebComponents.msvalidated_button/1 might take.

  • :action - this state indicates that the validating conditions have been met and that the button's action may be invoked at user convenience.

  • :processing - indicates that an active process which prevents the button from correctly reflecting any state other than it is waiting is currently underway. The button will not accept user interaction at this point.

  • :message - indicates that the validating condition for the button is not yet satisfied. Any user interaction with the button (clicking it) will result in a message indicating that there are unmet conditions.

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@type permission_name() :: atom()

A type for naming permissions.

Forms in the system will at a display level need to have awareness and functionality to respect permissions.

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@type processing_override_name() :: atom()

Defines the type of Processing Override Names.

Processing overrides are a mechanism to identify that certain processes that are expected to be long running are active. Components in turn can respond to the processes they are watching becoming active as they require (usually the component becomes inactive while the process is active).

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@type render_configs() :: %{
  required(form_id()) => MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentConfig.t()

Establishes the expected data structure of the MscmpSystForms.get_render_configs/5 function return value.

The MscmpSystForms.get_render_configs/5 function returns the currently renderable configurations for each Component as a map of key/value pairs where the key is the t:form_id() of the Component and the value is a Component Configuration using the MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentConfig.t/0 data structure.

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@type session_name() :: String.t()

Defines the type of the Session Name.

The Session Name is usually generated via in the router's authentication related plug pipelines. The Session Name is added to the user's browser session and becomes the link between that browser session and the extended session information stored server side in the database.

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A definition of the expected Socket or Assigns parameter used in Phoenix.

The Phoenix Framework has a number of functions which accept Sockets and Assigns from different sources which Phoenix generates, but Phoenix doesn't formalize this into any sort of typespec. Our concept is the same as Phoenix except that we prefer to have documented types, even if they are limited test/compile/run time value.