MscmpSystForms.Types.FormConfig (mscmp_syst_forms v0.1.0)

A struct used by developers to define the abstract structure and configuration details of user interface forms and their elements including their permissions, data bindings, text strings, as well as their child elements which may inherit certain properties such as permissions.

This would be called a "Definition Time" concern/configuration.

Note that while it is most typical for form configurations to be associated directly with specific user interface elements, the configuration system allows for grouping form configuration entries which do not related directly a specific user interface element and exist purely to serve as parent to other form configurations so that those children can inherit the parent's properties. A common example of this is most forms define an abstract top level parent form configuration which defines the default permission for all other form elements to inherit from.

Not all elements on a form must be represented by a FormConfig value, however any element which must respond to runtime changes in form state, processing overrides, or current user permissions must have at least a FormConfig value defining its form_id value.




A struct used by developers to define the abstract structure and configuration details of user interface forms and their elements including their permissions, data bindings, text strings, as well as their child elements which may inherit certain properties such as permissions.


@type t() :: %MscmpSystForms.Types.FormConfig{
  binding_id: MscmpSystForms.Types.binding_id() | nil,
  button_state: MscmpSystForms.Types.msvalidated_button_states() | nil,
  children: [t()] | [] | nil,
  form_id: MscmpSystForms.Types.form_id() | nil,
  info: String.t() | nil,
  label: String.t() | nil,
  label_link: String.t() | nil,
  permission: MscmpSystForms.Types.permission_name() | nil

A struct used by developers to define the abstract structure and configuration details of user interface forms and their elements including their permissions, data bindings, text strings, as well as their child elements which may inherit certain properties such as permissions.


  • form_id - identifies the user interface form element to which the configuration will be applied. If this value is nil then the configuration won't refer to specific element in the user interface, but is a virtual or abstract configuration which may serve as parent to other concrete element backing configurations. Note that elements with FormConfigs defined with nil form_id values will not appear at all in render configurations.

  • binding_id - for user interface elements which display application data to identify the data field from which to draw values using this identifier. If the binding_id is nil then the element will not be bound to a field in the form's backing data.

  • permission - the identifier of the permission which this form element will test for element access when rendering the form, displaying data, and permitting user interaction if the element being configured allows for interaction. This value will be inherited by any child of a configuration that doesn't specify its own permission value.

  • label - if the user interface element is backed by a component which displays a label, such as an MscmpSystForms.WebComponents.msinput/1 component, the text of the label may be set using this value. If this value is nil either the label will be blank, not rendered, or determined by directly setting the component's title value directly in the view layer. Note that component's title attribute can override the value set in the configuration using this configuration.

  • label_link - the label of a user interface element may optionally define a URL to link to when clicking the label, such as a link to relevant documentation. When this value is not nil, the link is the URL to the resource to access; when nil the label is rendered without a link. (Note that label_link is not yet implemented in most components.)

  • info - in some situations, abbreviated additional information for a user interface element is made available to the user, for example via the MscmpSystForms.WebComponent.msinfo/1 web component. This attribute configures the text that is displayed to the user in these scenarios. If the value is nil then no text is displayed even if it could be.

  • button_state - for user interface buttons of type MscmpSystForms.WebComponents.msvalidated_button/1, this attribute configures the default button state. The available values are defined by the type MscmpSystForms.Types.msvalidated_button_states/0.

  • children - A form configuration may optionally identify child configurations which will inherit certain attributes and other traits from the parent. Naturally, an element should never be added as a child to multiple parent configurations; doing so will result in undefined behaviors. Examples of attributes and traits that can be inherited through parent/child relationships defined in this field include permissions and component modes.

Form more see MscmpSystForms.Types.FormConfig.