
A Person is someone who acts as an agent on behalf of an Entity. This may be a real individual person in the world or indicate a function, such as “Customer Support”, where the actual person contacted may vary and identifying a specific individual is unimportant.


While it might seem obvious what a “Person” is, we’re going to augment that assumable definition a bit here. A Person, for our purposes, is someone who acts as an agent on behalf of an entity; the designated contact for any communications regarding some aspect of business that the Entity may engage in.

Person as Functional Designation

A Person will often times be a named individual in the real world, but there will be times where a Person represents a role that might be fulfilled by any of a group of people; for example, an “Accounts Payable” Person representing a vendor might mean that any one of the vendor’s Accounts Payable staff may act as the accounts payable agent during a discussion of invoicing or payment. In such a case the specific individual doesn’t matter, but still has all the previously discussed traits of a “Person”.


“Contact”, as we use the term here, refers specifically to how a Person is contacted. This can include designating email addresses, telephone numbers, messaging application IDs, and physical addresses such as mailing addresses as being means by with to contact a Person.

Any one Person may have a variety of different applicable Contact methods, though typically there will be preferred or default methods of contact.

Last modified December 4, 2023: Minor edits of Theory/BRM Person docs (d6bddcb8)