MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentConfig (mscmp_syst_forms v0.1.0)

Defines the rendering configurations used by components at runtime.

The MscmpSystForms.get_render_configs/5 function returns a full form aggregate render configuration which is a combination of the developer created MscmpSystForms.Types.FormConfig.t/0 values and various values determined at runtime such as the current form state, active processing overrides, and current user permissions.

This would be called a "Render Time" concern/derived configuration.

The ComponentConfig values created by MscmpSystForms.get_render_configs/5 just described are passed to the view where each Web Component will respond to its ComponentConfig value in order to meet the then prevailing view requirements.


This struct will not typically be created or used directly by a developer creating user forms. In this sense this struct could be considered an internal implementation concern which shouldn't be part of the public documentation. However, developers creating components which need to participate in MscmpSystForms form processing will need to know how to make their components respond to ComponentConfig values so we do include it in the documentation here.




Defines the rendering configurations used by components at runtime.


@type t() :: %MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentConfig{
  binding_id: MscmpSystForms.Types.binding_id() | nil,
  button_state: MscmpSystForms.Types.msvalidated_button_states() | nil,
  form_id: MscmpSystForms.Types.form_id(),
  info: String.t() | nil,
  label: String.t() | nil,
  label_link: String.t() | nil,
  modes: map(),
  overrides: [atom()] | nil,
  permission: MscmpSystForms.Types.permission_name() | nil

Defines the rendering configurations used by components at runtime.


  • form_id - identifies the user interface form element to which the component configuration will be applied. Note that whereas MscmpSystForms.Types.FormConfig.t/0 allows configurations of virtual or abstract components, these configurations will never appear as a MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentConfig.t/0 value. Only concrete components with a form_id value are allowed to represented by component configurations.

  • binding_id - for user interface elements which display application data to identify the data field from which to draw values using this identifier. If the binding_id is nil then the element will not be bound to a field in the form's backing data.

  • permission - the identifier of the permission which determined may have changed the modes value which control element rendering. This value will either be the permission set explicitly for field or that which the element inherited through its MscmpSystForms.Types.FormConfig parent. This value may also be nil in which case permissions didn't influence the modes value because no permissions were defined to apply.

  • label - if set, this value will determine the label text for any Web Component which can display a label, such as MscmpSystForms.WebComponents.msinput/1. If the component's title attribute is set directly in the view, it will override any value here.

  • label_link - the label of a user interface element may optionally define a URL to link to when clicking the label, such as a link to relevant documentation. When this value is not nil, the link is the URL to the resource to access; when nil the label is rendered without a link. (Note that label_link is not yet implemented in most components.)

  • info - in some situations, abbreviated additional information for a user interface element is made available to the user, for example via the MscmpSystForms.WebComponent.msinfo/1 web component. This attribute configures the text that is displayed to the user in these scenarios. If the value is nil then no text is displayed even if it could be.

  • button_state - if the component being configured by this value is a MscmpSystForms.WebComponents.msvalidated_button/1 component, the button_state value will indicate the current display state of the button. See MscmpSystForms.Types.msvalidated_button_states/0 for the available states.

  • overrides - a list of currently active processing overrides. A process override is a state which can be set for the form which simply indicates that some possibly long running application operation has been started, but is not yet finished. See MscmpSystForms.start_processing_override/2 for more about processing overrides. The form and its components can respond to an active processing override by, for example, changing their display and interactivity characteristics until the processing override condition ends. If there are no processing overrides active, this value will be an empty list.

  • modes - the currently computed display modes for the component. The display modes are computed by assessing the prevailing runtime form state and user permissions to determine the behavior of the component at render time. These modes are then used by the component when creating the view to render.

See MscmpSystForms.Types.ComponentConfig for more.